


Who are we?

We are a private Czech-English preschool located in Prague 6. We are continuously welcoming new colleagues to our team.

We are pride on having people who are educated, knowledgeable and versatile. We surround ourselves with people who are intelligent and original. People who know what they want and are passionate about helping our children to find their path.

Working for us is meaningful and has an impact on society and its future. You’ll always have plenty of room to apply something of yourself. Motivate, support, experience and lead by example.

We have teachers who have tried things and they really appreciate the work and the opportunities with us and we appreciate them. Are you excited about the idea of joining us?

What do we offer?

  • We can adapt the terms of cooperation to your needs to the satisfaction of you, us, and of course the children and parents.
  • Our class teacher earns on average 45-50 000 CZK net per month. In addition, you get a work laptop and we offer you a place in our preschool for your own child.

·               We always have good coffee, tea, and delicious chocolate available, we will equip you with the most beautiful slippers and a thermo mug for hot drinks. 😊


·     We like to work with our people so that they are happy, know they are important to us and the children, and move forward on a personal and professional level. We will support you in your personal development, working on yourself in the areas of communication, respectfulness, bilingual education, or leadership. We also implement international internships and you can also suggest yourself in which area you want to grow. We are happy to help.

Now, about the organization…

·     The teaching programme takes place from 8:30 to 14:30. The preschool is open from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm and shifts are planned together with work-life balance in mind. We work in integrated blocks and move from activity to activity.

We emphasize the development of children’s independence and the gradual growth of their competences, we guide them through the learning process step by step and always put in front of them obstacles that are both a challenge and a joy for them and which, once overcome, push their own limits of possibilities further. At TETTY, you have the time and capacity to do the important things. Whether it’s completing ideas and projects, or finishing logical units. We schedule teaching time and preparation time. The class teacher always forms a mini team with the tandem teacher, while collaborating and communicating closely with other team members including native English speakers. Therefore, open collaboration, fine-tuned interplay, mental flexibility as well as a good command of English are essential.

·     We apply self-assessment and verbal assessment of children, supportive and peer communication, based on the needs of the children. Leave all the organisation to us. You don’t have to explain, justify, or convince anyone of your work. You have our constant support in communicating with parents.

… and our tools

·     In the online times we managed the learning playfully in MS Teams and we continue to work with this tool even today in case of long-term absences of children. We use Twigsee as the school’s system for communicating with families and reporting, where we upload daily photos of lessons and report on the daily schedule for each class and group.

·     We also run various educational programs for children on school iPads, we like to use Beebots and Ozobots. Of course, in moderation. After all, we prefer to be here and now.

We might be looking for you if:

You have passion and conviction.

·     You have a really positive relationship with children and you want to give them the best.

·     You’ve got energy, you’re an athlete and you don’t stop at the first hurdle.

·       You’re capable, talented, resilient.

·     You are a renaissance person and learning is the purpose of your life.

·     You are an inspiration and motivation for others to be better. It’s not just about learning. We’re looking for diamonds. Even the rough ones.

·     You have an outreach and you bring passion to the cause.

·     You are persistent and want to stay with us for a long time. We prefer marathoners to sprinters.

·     You are open-minded and direct communication is the right way for you.

Are you interested?

Let us know! Anytime, even during the school year. Send your resume to and if we think you are a good fit, we’ll be happy to hear more from you. 

You will complete one or two trial days, after which we will evaluate together if you feel comfortable in the class and in our setup. We’ll talk about what it was like and give you feedback from colleagues and children.

A psychological test is also included. You will get personal feedback, regardless of whether we continue together or not. It is important for us to know why and how you make your decision. The interaction is transparent and we are always very open.

We create superior and fair conditions that are not available anywhere else in the market. But we also require things that nobody else in the market requires.

Every teacher is truly valued, and on multiple levels. We want education to look different. We set trends, you can too.

Be part of our preschool.

Be part of our success.

Be part of the amazing TETTY – a school with a difference.